25 Days of Christmas – Day 24(Christmas Eve) A Christmas Story


christmas story

This is a classic movie that should be watched every Christmas Eve. Ralphie is a typical 9 year old boy growing up in 1940s Indiana. He has one wish and one wish only for Christmas; that is to get a Red Ryder Range shot 200 BB gun. He drops hints for his parents, flat out asks his mom and stands in a ridiculously long line to ask Santa for it. All of his requests were met with one response; you’ll shoot your eye out!

Ralphie daydreams about this BB gun and seems to think of nothing else. He even writes a report for school about it. He has a group of friends that he pals around with and they get into the normal trouble little boys that little boy do. They also are the victims of a school bully who likes to trap them in an alley on the way home from school. One day Ralphie has enough and stands up for himself.

christmas story quotes

This story has several twist and turns and hilarious scenes that are must sees. Some of my favorites are when Ralphie’s dad comes home reeling about winning a contest at work. When it finally arrives in a crate marked FRAGILE, the dad says look it’s marked Fra-gi-le, it must be Italian. Another favorite is when Ralphie and his friend triple dog dare another friend to stick his tongue on a frozen pole at recess. The boy’s tongue is stuck of course and the teacher calls the fire department and the police for assistance. My absolute favorite is when he opens a present from Aunt Clara of Pink Bunny Pajamas with the feet in. His mother makes him try on the pajamas and when he comes downstairs his father says He looks like a deranged Easter Bunny…. A Pink Nightmare!

This is a lighthearted look at Christmas through the eyes of a child who still believes in Santa Claus. It is a great family classic. The real question is Does Ralphie get what he wants for Christmas? I’ll spoil it for you; YES and he almost shoots his eye out!


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